In order to realize our management philosophy, we have established the “Mabuchi Motor Ethical Standard” not only to comply with the rules and regulations of each country, but also because we believe that carrying out activities in line with corporate ethics as deemed desirable by society is a major premise. We have concretely laid out social codes of conduct like laws and ordinances that all executives and employees should follow, and plan for them to penetrate and take root in the company.

Basic Policy
We conduct business activities in compliance with the laws and regulations, and in accordance with the social ethics, of each country and region in which we operate for the true realization of the management principle “contributing to international society and continuously expanding our contribution”.
- All directors and employees of Mabuchi Group must place more priority on compliance with international rules and the laws and regulations of each country where the company is based, than on company’s profits and operations.
- Any behavior against social ethics must be strictly avoided with due regard to our responsibilities to every stakeholder, including customers, shareholders and investors, and the community.
- Any issue concerning laws and regulations or social ethics that requires special attention must be clearly stipulated by company policies and regulations and become familiar throughout the company. All directors and employees are required to sincerely observe those obligations.
I Business Activities
- We provide safe, high quality products and meet customer demands promptly.
- We provide safe, high quality products and meet customer demands promptly.
- We will not run our business in a way that undermines the trust of our customers.
- We procure necessary goods and services at the appropriate quality, price and delivery schedule through fair business relationships.
- We promote environmental activities based on a proper understanding of the importance and necessity of environmental preservation.
- We comply with the laws, regulations and proper procedures on tariffs, imports and exports.
- We observe laws concerning intellectual property rights, such as patent law, and respect the intellectual property rights of others.
- We respect the secrecy of the confidential information of our business partners.
- We do not obtain information of competitors by illicit means, nor do we defame them.
- We do not form relationships with customers beyond socially accepted norms.
II Company and Individual
- We respect the basic human rights, values, individuality and privacy of each individual. We do not tolerate discrimination for any reason including race, religion, gender, nationality, disability or age, or violence, sexual harassment, bullying or any other form of insult. Nor do we tolerate any child or forced labor.
- We place the highest priority on safety and health
- We protect the personal information of employees
- We protect and manage the company’s property.
III Company Information
- We protect the company’s confidential information.
- We ensure reliable financial reporting and we do not misuse nonpublic material company information (prohibition of insider trading).
IV Relation with Society and Local Community
- We contribute to the local community.
- We comply with laws and fulfill tax obligations.
- We do not give any illegal political contribution or bribes.
- We do not give any illegal favors to any government official of any foreign country.
- We do not associate with any of antisocial forces including organized crime groups.
Our System for Promoting Compliance
A director responsible for compliance at each Mabuchi Group base supervises the compliance activities of that base, with oversight provided by the director responsible for internal control at the main office in Japan. The base director takes the lead in strengthening internal control and promoting continuous, autonomous compliance locally. To address and improve any inadequacies related to compliance in the Mabuchi Group, the Internal Audit Department conducts both regular and non-scheduled audits at all Group bases. These are designed to verify adherence to compliance-related rules and procedures and to identify any ethical violations. Results are reported directly to top management.
Compliance education for employees at all bases around the world include study sessions and training programs focusing on laws, regulations, and social ethics.

Ethical Standard Whistleblower System
An "Ethical Standard Whistleblower System" has been established to communicate information and provide consultation on compliance issues, which is managed by the Internal Audit Department and ensures anonymity. In order to strengthen our system for preventing problems from occurring or expanding, we have expanded the scope of the "Ethical Standard Whistleblower System" to include not only our employees but also some of our business partners. In addition, we comply with the Whistleblower Protection Act and send out a top message promising that we will not cause any disadvantages to those who consult with us. The Company introduced a whistleblower reception service provided by an external organization to establish a whistleblower contact point independent of management and to strengthen the protection of consultants.