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Motor Types, Brush Materials and Sizes

This content shows the types of our motors. Our motor type code is based on the classification shown in this content.

Motor-housing Shape

Our motors are classified into three types by the motor-housing shapes.

Round type

Flat type

Square type

Size indication of each type is as shown right.

Brush Materials

Brush is classified by the materials of the portion that has slide-contact with a commutator.

Metal Brush

The brush that integrates with a terminal easily and used mostly for our economical models. Also named sheet brush.

Precious Metal Brush

The brush for which special precious metal is employed at the slide-contact portion with the commutator, and mainly used for our motors with low current and low output under low voltage. Also named a fork brush by its shape.

Carbon Brush

The brush for which a carbon is employed at the slide-contact portion with the commutator and fixed to a elastic brush-arm to have electrical conduction, and mainly used for our motors with high current and high output under high voltage.