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Environmental Communication

Mabuchi provides wide - ranging information on its environmental policy and environmental management activities to parties both inside and outside the company.
We hope our customers and people at large in addition to our employees will have a deeper understanding of our approach to environmental conservation and related activities through our environmental communication.

Environmental Communication with Employees

Communication via Intranet

We have created and operated a database called "ECOLOG" that aggregates environmental information on our intracompany network..Through "ECOLOG", we share and utilize various environmental information.

Communication by Company Newsletters

We are using company newsletters to communicate environmental information to our employees and raise their environmental awareness.

Mabuchi Group Environmental Activities

"Mabuchi Group Environmental Activities" is an initiative in which activity measures and achievements that contribute to the reduction of environmental impact are solicited from all Mabuchi Group sites, and outstanding activities are awarded after review by the Environmental Management Committee at the Headquarters.
In 2022, a total of 89 applications were received from 15 sites under the activity theme of "CO2 emissions reduction," and various measures were implemented. We will continue to expand our contribution to the global environment through Mabuchi Group environmental activities by promoting the proposal and implementation of measures to reduce environmental impact at each Mabuchi Group site.

Examples of Jiangmen Mabuchi's Activities

At Jiangmen Mabuchi, a production base located in China, power consumption was significantly reduced by optimizing the plant layout to save space and by shutting down air conditioning and other equipment that is no longer needed.

Environmental Communication with Society

Environmental symbiosis in the community

A “bio-garden” has been established in the front of the Headquarters site based on the concept of environmental symbiosis in the community. It is designed to restore the natural environment of Matsudo-city, where the Headquarters is located, to the Matsuhidai Industrial Park. Considering the impact of non-native species on the local ecosystem, the goal of the bio-garden is to restore the original ecosystem by planting wildflowers that have traditionally grown around Matsudo-city. Additionally, we joined the Biodiversity Chiba Corporate Network as a part of our commitment to biodiversity. The Biodiversity Chiba Corporate Network is a collaboration between the prefectural government of Chiba, NPOs, NGOs and other supporting organizations to share biodiversity-related information, expertise and problems with the goal of promoting the biodiversity efforts of the companies participating in the network.


    • Growing Himekomatsu, an endangered species designated by Chiba Prefecture, which was planted in November 2021.
    • Exterminated a non-native species (tall goldenrod) to maintain and manage the bio-garden.
    • Biodiversity Chiba Network’s activities: Satellite for Biodiversity remodeled
      The Satellite for Biodiversity is placed in the Headquarters cafeteria for displaying posters and newsletters to enable employees and visitors to deepen their understanding about the importance of biodiversity.
    • Mexico Mabuchi holds a tree-planting event
      A tree-planting activity took place at Mexico Mabuchi in August 2022 with the goals of facilitating CO2 absorption and preserving the natural environment. 65 volunteers from Mexico Mabuchi and 15 participants from the municipal government of Rincón de Romos gathered and planted 100 trees.